Friday, 24 November 2023

The Voracious Pursuit of Strength

I am a simple person. Many of my wishes and desires can be routed back to a singular ideal. I want to be stronger. I desire strength, but in reality, what is strength? What does it actually mean to be stronger? Is strength a shallow concept that simply defines the physical amount of push-ups and sit-ups I can do, or is there more to it? As I voraciously pursue strength, I have begun to recognize some of the factors behind what I truly define it as.

Strength is getting out of bed on the mornings you do not want to wake up.

Strength is doing five more push-ups when you think you cannot do any more.

Strength is doing five push-ups on the days where you would rather do anything else.

Strength is allowing your body and mind to rest on the days they need to rest. 

Strength is waving back to your neighbour on the days you wish you could hide away.

Strength is acknowledging your own mistakes and taking responsibility for them.

Strength is understanding your mistakes and learning from them. 

Strength is smiling for those who need to see a smile.

Strength is being patient enough to take the time to understand the hardships of others.

Strength is removing the resentment towards those on their own journey.

Strength is standing back up after falling down.

Strength is accepting that there are days where you will not be able to stand back up on your own.

Strength is accepting that you cannot climb every hill on your own.

Strength is taking three deep breaths and asking yourself “Where am I? What am I doing?”.

Strength is being better today than you were yesterday. 

Strength is having the courage to pursue Mastery.

As I pursue the many factors of strength, what is my goal? I may use the idea of strength as a motivation to pursue me along my many aspirations, but what is the actual goal of the strength I pursue? I don’t believe it can be put to words in a manner that is 100% accurate, but I believe Peter Cullen summarized it the best. 

 “Be strong enough to be gentle

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