A superhero complex, sometimes also known as a saviour complex or hero syndrome, is a psychological occurrence in which a regular human being fits themselves into the mold of a romanticized super hero, often ignoring any stress or fatigue in themselves and striving to meet the needs of as many people as they can, with little regard for their own condition. While this is just one of many definitions that can take form in many levels of intensity (I believe many people have their own form a hero complex, as I also believe it comes with being human), I do not think any two people experience the exact same habits or "symptoms".
For me, I have a strong desire to help people. That may be one of the reasons why I chose an enforcement career, in fact. I also have a tendency to try and shoulder as much as I can to try and lighten other peoples loads (with the exception of housework, of course. Sorry ma :p). Because of this, I struggle when coping with the fact that I cannot do everything, and I cannot be everywhere at once. I cannot participate in the Canada Day events, I cannot help, I cannot have fun with everyone. Instead, I am telling people to clean up their garbage and turn down their music, a mere 424km away. Between the psychological desire to help and make lives easier, coupled with the simple yearn of being present and having fun, and my inability to log into classes as of late, I've been hurting. It has begun to develop into the nag of "I am not doing enough".
Of course, just a super hero wouldn't surrender against all odds, I have no intention to give up. I may be hurting, but I am not struggling. I am confident that I am attaining mastery both as an individual and as a teammate in the best ways I currently can be, and that gives me enough motivation to remember that, while there can always be more done, I am enough. Begone, negativity!
To that end, here is a video of my weapons form which I would be performing in a demo, as a benchmark of my progress (I am not very technologically capable, so if it does not work I may have to send it to the IHC chat directly)
You are a superhero in my eyes. Always. Love the form.