Monday, 26 June 2023

Silent River Blood Drive

 Hey team, as I do not have a lot of time on hand right now due to an ever-growing pile of both school and work related paperwork, for this weeks blog I will be reposting the information for the blood drive I talked about on Friday so it is in a more accessible location once the week goes by. Again, for anyone on the fence on whether to donate or not, I strongly suggest you talk to Toudai Ferris or myself so that we can talk you into it. For those who are unable to participate, feel free to share the link with friends and family who may be interested! This opportunity is not limited to members of the IHC! 

Hey team!

For those who may not recall, around this time last year SRKF partook in a blood drive held by the Canadian Blood Services, and we had quite the good turnout! As the need for blood donations is always present, Toudai Ferris and I have been working together to try and get the SRKF team on board for another drive this year!

As of right now, we have eight reservations booked for July 28th at the Heritage Pavilion, ranging within 5-6pm. For those who joined the SRKF blood team last year, you will be able to see and access the team appointments from your CBS account. For those who did not partake last year and would like to do so this year, you can join the SRKF blood team using the link below, and then make your reservation on your CBS account (you may have to create an account if you have not done so already).

For those who have not donated before and are wondering if you are eligible, CBS has an easy-to-access eligibility quiz you can take simply by googling “CBS eligibility quiz”. For those who already know they are not eligible to donate, I apologize for not being able to provide you with an opportunity to partake in this event. 

If we manage to book all of our appointments for this day (or alternatively, there are not enough people who are able to commit), there are more blood drives occurring at the pavilion that we can schedule for (towards the end of August and October). If there are any questions whatsoever, please feel free to reach out to either myself or Toudai Ferris :) 

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