Monday, 29 October 2018


Heyo everyone. This weeks post will be a short appreciation post for everything I have. Sometimes it’s easy to miss things and by writing a blog about it I believe it will help me with understanding the value of each one.

I’ve gotten to where I am now because of many things. The support of others, the challenges put in front of me, the crazy things that altered my life, etc. But out of all of these, I just want to focus on a small group today. I’m thankful for my family. My brother, who, despite our arguments, will always be there if I need him. My sister, who is willing to work harder when I’m not feeling well or I’m away to keep me up to speed, a mom who’s willing to get up early to make a lunch when I don’t feel like eating, and a dad who goes out of his way to make sure my life stays intact and moving forward. I have friends who keep me entertained and look out for me, making sure my back is always spotted. I’ve got all of my training partners at the Kwoon, who help makes it such a positive environment. For my classmates at school for aiding in my learning experience. For my coworkers for watching out for me, the little guy. For my pets, for being fluffy pillows of emotional relief, for everyone who’s affected me in anyway shape or form over the past 17 years. It’s put me where I am today but I wouldn't be even blogging this if it was not for my instructors who have guided and supported me alone this journey.

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