Monday, 22 October 2018

Crash and Burn

Heyo everyone, this weeks blog will be about burning out

Thursday did not go the way I had it planned. It was supposed to be a busy day full of productivity. Wake up, go to morning class, go to school, float by the first half of the day, pay serious attention in math, write a paper in social, go out with some friends for a little bit after school, go to parent teacher interviews, then go to the IHC class. A busy day, but nothing I haven’t been doing for the last few months. Well, spoiler alert, none of this ended up happening. I ended up sleeping all day in an attempt to actually get out of bed. 

When I woke up at 530 to get ready for the morning class, I couldn’t get out of bed, so I thought, I’ll take the extra hour of sleep today, I need it. When the time came to get up for school, I felt sick and exhausted, and I couldn’t get up then either. I had dad call me in sick, and I ended up sleeping through the majority of the day and still be tired the next morning. I eventually decided that the cause of this was doing too much for too long with too little rest. What I thought was a good balance turned out not to be a good balance. Huh. Damn. I really thought I had it.

I think the lesson I’m taking away from this IHC year is the important of balance. I never really valued it in the past as much as I do now. This year, balance has been a huge challenge for me and definitely has been an eye opener to how balancing life will be in the future. I may as well change my blog name to Simons balancing act because that is what this year is about. Balance. A beautiful thing.

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