Sunday, 4 February 2018

New Semester

Well, its been a while since my last blog, so its probably a bit rusty, but here goes

At the meeting on Saturday, a constant theme that came up throughout the hour was "starting / starting over" and how its easier to keep going then to stop and restart. I started thinking about ways of how I could have less "starts" in my life and more "keep goings". And then I realized that sometimes starting new is just a part of life, and the example I want to use for this is schooling. Highschooling, to be precise.

As I'm sure everyone knows, the year is divided into 2 semesters, half of your classes in the first semester, half of them in the second semester. We just started our second semester of the 2017/18 year on Thursday, and for the first few days you think "holy cow this is different". I went from Construction, Biology, Math and Phys ed to English, Social, Marine Biology and Chemistry. And its like "starting again". You think, man, I barely remember the start of last semester, how am I going to get through to the end of this one? And this looming sense of doubt starts to creep up, which for me, is very similar to the doubt I receive when I "restart" IHC requirements I've dropped the ball on. Can I do those 50k pushups? Can I truly blog every week? Its a lot to take in all at once. Just like thinking "man, can I really pull my mark up? Can I do well in this class?"

I learnt from the past these negative thoughts are usually true. I struggle with my requirements. I stuggle with my marks. But thats only because I let them be true. Because I've settled for "good enough." But getting better isnt about being "good enough". Its about being better. And once you start getting better, then youre already on your path to improvement. So I've decided that while some things, (like school) you have to start over, but as long as you keep your chin up and keep truckin on, you can keep going. And when it comes to things like blogging, you just can't let yourself stop. Thats been my problem in the past, and I'm definitely going to fix it for the future.

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