Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Eyes Closed

I was struggling in class tonight.

I’m not quite sure why, but my body just wasn’t in it. As we had just started working on lions after a few reps of Lao Gar, I noticed my face (and my nose in particular) was super tingly, which wasn’t really normal. Sihing Lindstrom said something about blood pressure and I thought hey, my watch checks my heart rate, I should check that. 

Why my heart rate was at 180, I’m not too sure. There could be many reasons. And while it’s a little high, it’s nothing awful or severe for a 22-year-old male. But after that, I started to overheat, my mouth dried, all these little things that bugged me. My senses were getting overstimulated pretty fast.

On a normal day, I think I would have been beat by that class. I would have only been able to do the lion for so long before my brain got fried, senses gave out, and I was kaputs. But, with this particular exercise, my eyes got to stay closed. I had to follow the head without watching the head. And it is the sole reason why I made it, I think.

While I realized that it was generally easier for me to follow the head using just the physical connection of my hand on my partner, it also gave me the opportunity to turn off my eyes. Once they were closed, I was able to cut out so much information and just focus on breathing and reacting and nothing else. 

I wasn’t 100%, but I managed to keep up (I think). And the only reason I was able to do that was because I LOST a sense. I think it’s a precious reminder that more doesn’t always mean more and less doesn’t always mean less.

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