Sunday, 25 March 2018

Constantly Examined

Heyo everyone, this weeks blog is about how things won't always go the way we want, and sometimes we have to compromise where we can, other times we just gotta keep out heads high and do what's more mandatory over what we would rather do.

Now, I've mentioned this several times in my previous blogs, but for anyone who hasn't read them, my course load this semester contains four core subjects (yes, another post about Simons school work.) So far, 2 months into the sem, I'm doing rather well, all things considered. I'm sitting at about a 90 in my social, marine bio and chem, and my English is, uh, slightly lower then a 90 (cough 70 cough). But with that aside, I'm happy with where I'm at so far. Theres only one thing I don't quite like. The frequency of homework and tests.

With the four cores comes a steady flow of homework, and a test every few days. Even though I'm doing well, one of my personal requirements is to improve my study habits, so I have been commiting time into reviewing and gaining a stronger understanding of my material. However, as a result of this, my time to train in Kung Fu has been getting cut short to make up for the extra studying and homework. I've chosen to stay home and study over attending Monday/Wednesday advanced adult classes several times, a class I had decided that I would keep attending even after my promotion to Sihing.

Now, you can ask me under any circumstance. My answer will always be the same. If I had to choose between the mats and the books, I would take the mats. Every time. However, one thing that gets emphasized at the Kwoon is that the necessities to life (family, education, etc) should take priority. I value my education, and therefore I continue with my studying. Yet having a test everyday or two, it starts to become an irritating reason that seems to be consciously holding me back from attending classes. On Wednesday, I was going to sit down and study for a unit test in Marine Biology and an evaluation on the first two acts of Macbeth, yet I had already missed Monday's class and the whole week before, so I decided to put the studying aside and go to class instead. The result? Paranoid me was studying till past midnight, but I still felt better after going to class.

It's hard to admit sometimes, but every once in a while we have to acknowledge that we're going to have to sacrifice the much more preferred option for the much more mandatory option. However, we can't get carried away, and proceed to neglect either. It's a fine balance between necessary and preferred, and about compromising to keep the balance

Sorry this weeks blog was so messy everyone, I couldn't quite figure out how to say what I was trying to. I think everyone gets the general gist though.


  1. I think you have the right approach to your priorities. Your education is VERY important and I like your attitude towards it. You'll find your balance.

  2. This is very insightful Simon. Trust me, the mats would always be my first choice also. But yes, there is important things in life outside the kwoon. Just try to keep balance. It's a process, but it's also an incredible learning experience. Homework doesn't stop after school unfortunately. It just changes to other things. Keeping your priorities straight will always be relevant.
