Sunday, 4 March 2018

All the little things

Heyo everyone, this weeks blog is about the little things in life, and how they build up if we dont pay attention to them

About five years ago (ish) I developed a sensitivity to gluten. If I consume too much of it within a few days, I tend to get sick. However, I'm not completely allergic to it. I can still eat it in small quantities and its like nothing ever happened. Knowing this, I can actively avoid large amounts of gluten, and hence avoid getting sick. I know not to eat a box of doughnuts or a pizza or a bun or some cake, because of how much gluten is in it. Its things like crackers that get me. Ill have one cracker because "its not too bad" and that goes to "another one won't hurt" to eating a whole box. And then I go on to get sick, I regret eating a box of crackers, about a month later I go and do it again, etc etc.

This concept of the little things slipping under us and slowly building can be seen in our numbers for the IHC team. We go from doing, say, 180 push ups a day, then one day we say "maybe 170 won't hurt". We do our 170 day, then continue to do 180. Then we go "that 10 I didnt do didnt really matter much, did it." So now you only do 170 a day. Well, by the end of the week, your numbers are short 60 pushups then what they would have been. Still not too bad. After a month, thats 300 less then what it could have been. Not too horrible, but I mean, Id rather have that 300. Then, after a year of doing 170 instead of 180, youre out 3600 pushups, which is only 7.2% of your pushups in a year. It doesnt seem like too much, but that 7.2% could really come handy if you get sick for a week and are stuck in bed. That 7.2% is more then you think.

So why wouldn't we do just 10 more pushups every night right before bed? 10 pushups seems doesn't seem like a lot, so why wouldn't we just do the 10? Well, it's the same reason I eat that one cracker. It seems like it doesn't really do much. It doesn't really matter. But little things start piling and then you have a mountain of little things and it looks a wee bit more menacing.

So next time you go ahead to think "a little bit doesn't hurt" step back and try to picture what 50 of those little bits look like, because its better to plan ahead then to be realizing it too late. Thats all for this weeks post, see ya next time

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