One of the biggest things I’ve noticed is how different some people take law enforcement. I believe tactical communication to be one of my stronger skills and even though I have a tendency to draw out the conversation, I like to think that I can very accurately relay my respect and understanding to people, even if they are in contravention of the law.
While this definitely helps in most situations, it does not ensure total safety from the wrath of the public. I have been yelled, sworn out, and cursed at for issuing a written warning. On the flip side, I have also been thanked and acknowledged by a person for issuing a ticket to them, and for handling them with said respect.
At the end of the day, I believe I have established a very black and white way of viewing my job. As my supervisor has stated, good people still break the law and the good people will be the ones I catch more often, as bad people know how to get around law enforcement. My job is not to discriminate; it is to enforce a standard. While I do use discretion as needed, I still hold consistency.
I believe the people who accept their warnings or disciplinary paperwork with humility and remorse are the people who I will likely never encounter again. For many people, it can be difficult for their pride to be issued paperwork by an individual several decades younger than themselves, on a matter they have been partaking in since well before my parents were even married. But there are those who still accept it gracefully, and I believe that allows them growth as a person.
For those who do not accept it as easily, I believe it may simply incite hostility and spite. I have had people remark on my youth and try to link that to incompetency, and make every possible case as to why it isn’t possible for them to break the law. At the end of the day, this person may learn from it, but I believe it less likely so.
To sum up all of this, I think it can be related to mastery; namely the tenant which states that one should remove resentment from masters to grow. While I will by no means say I have already become a master on the subject, it is my profession, and it is a two way street. While I have to consistently learn and grow from my interactions with people and what they can teach me, those who approach it with the same mindset can actually benefit from it.
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