Sunday, 2 December 2018

A Small Thank You

Heyo everyone, this weeks blog is going to be about progress, and a short one.

When I look back to my first year of the IHC, I was a blue belt, and far, far from the person I am today. Over the years a lot has happened; I've overcome obstacles, I've fought fights I didn't know I could, I found a home away from home, with a family to go along with it. Every decision I have made has led me a little bit further down this path I walk on, and I don't regret any of them. The distance I've come is more then I ever could have thought I'd be able to. Overall, the progress that has been made has been good, both in general and to me personally. I'm grateful for everything and everyone who has influenced my progress and decisions and to everyone who supports me no matter what happens. Thank you everyone.

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