Sunday, 29 April 2018

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

Heyo everyone, this weeks post is going to be about learning from previous mistakes and obstacles, and learning how to overcome them in the future.

So lately I have run into some issues with blogger. Every time I save and post a blog, everything past lines 15 to 20ish get deleted and I have to start the post over. This can be rather frustrating considering somenof my blogs can be long, and rewriting then can be quite tedious. After having to redo several blogs, I decided to try and come up with a "back-up plan". Before I post a blog, I spell-check, then copy the whole thing. When I save and post, I check to see if the whole thing is there. When it typically is not, I just have to go back, and paste the whole blog and try again. A big thank you to whoever invented copy and paste.

So, as per usual with every little lesson I learn, I try to apply it to my Kung Fu. Kung Fu is a prime example of a place in which you need to improvise, adapt and overcome challenges and obstacles (Bear Grylls would be proud) in order to progress. Kung Fu is all about making mistakes and learning from them, in order to improve yourself, as is anything in life, really. We as humans are gifted with the ability to think and grow in order to overcome challenges which stand before us. Though failure is not something we wish to experience, it is a wonderful gift when it comes to showing us where we need to improve.

A quick question to whoever as experienced these technical difficulties, but my blogger has a tendency to not only delete my blogs after I save them, but to delete them while I'm writing them. Ironically, as I was writing this blog about copying my posts before they're deleted, my post got deleted before I could copy it. If anyone has any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.

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