From Kindergarten to Grade 9, I attended the same elementary school and was in the same class as ~40 others. Not a small class, not a big one. But when you spend 10 years with the same 40 people, I think everyone has gains ties to each other, in one way or another.
Earlier today, I found out that one of those people I grew up with was arrested earlier in the week for some pretty serious stuff. I haven’t talked to this person since high school, but they were still my friend for 10 years. I recall, once in grade 7, I got rather upset over some little thing. My mom checked in on me later that night; I thought “how did she find out about this?”. Turns out, that friend, who was sitting next to me at the time, told their mom, asking her to check in with mine.
I wasn’t ever really close with them; at this point, I can only really call them “someone I grew up with”. But it makes me wonder if there was something I could have done to help, at any point. Realistically, I don’t think so. I don’t think, all things considered, I could have done anything to change the way things turned out. But it does remind me about some of the things I am grateful for.
I am grateful for my family and for Kung Fu, for the atmosphere and opportunities I was given. I am thankful for the way I grew up, and the person I have become because of how I was brought up. It also reminds me to take the opportunity to provide as much support as I can for those around me. There’s no way of knowing how everything will end up, but there’s no harm in help (most times).