Sunday, 15 May 2016

That time of year

I was really quite excited for the pandamonium this year, as I had to miss last years, due to being out of town. I wasn't disappointed with the day. It was full of fun, excitement, activities, Kung Fu and awesomeness. Whether it was trying to occupy small children, doing forms on the mats, getting "kicked" into the dunk tank or running 10k at 10:00pm, I felt there was always something to do. I didn't get involved as much with the charities as I could have this year, and I'm am disappointed with myself for that. I feel I could have got connected more, and plan on getting more into the charities in the upcoming years. I'd also like to thank everyone who helped wake me up by hitting the target on the dunk tank. It was fairly refreshing and a good experience. Despite losing circulation in my fingers for half an hour. And nearly getting killed by anticipation. But other than that it was fun.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Trying to post again

Recently, I stopped posting. One Sunday I merely thought "Meh, I'll get to to it tomorrow." And that attitude carried of for a couple months. I've had plenty of great blogging opportunities I missed, and I'm working on getting back into it. I really want to be better at blogging than last year. That shouldn't have to be a goal though. Getting better than the person you were yesterday, or last week, or last month, or whenever, should be a daily habit. Whether you get better at Kung Fu or just a kinder person in general, the person who goes to bed better than the one who got out of it, they made use of their day. They changed their life for the better. I want to be that person.